


Martin Wolf channels Richard Koo, whose balance-sheet analysis of Japan’s lost decade does indeed provide one of the best road maps to the mess the world as a whole is now in. And Koo’s counterintuitive praise for Japan — while it had a bad decade, it did not have a depression — is a useful corrective to the constant claims that fiscal policy failed.

赤字にあるようにクルーグマンも財政政策の貢献を認めているように見えます。同時にクルーグマンバランスシート不況について書いているMartin Wolfについての記事を紹介しているだけのようにもみえます・・・。その後に、日本の景気回復は輸出によるものだと言及していますし。


Keynes himself actually didn’t have much to do with this theory. In fact, one of the key moves in his development of the General Theory was the decision to focus on how economies stay stuck in depression for extended periods, rather than on the more complex question of explaining the economy’s ups and downs. But he did devote a brief chapter at the end to the subject, and Hicks elaborated on this quite a lot.
What’s notable about this theory is that it made no use of the self-correcting mechanism expounded in every principles textbook, mine included — the mechanism in which falling prices lead to a rising real money supply, which shifts the aggregate demand curve out moves the economy down the aggregate demand curve. Why? Well, as we’ve now learned the hard way, a sufficiently severe bubble-bursting pushes you into the liquidity trap, and makes the aggregate demand curve more or less vertical.

まさにケインズの名言「我々は長期的にはみな死んでしまう。」*2ってことでしょうか。余談ですが、「mine included」*3の部分が自虐的です(笑)








*2:In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is long past the ocean is flat again.
